Avery Kingston writes sexy, emotional romance featuring wounded characters at a high heat level.
Avery is a wife to a man whose demons play well with hers. Mom to a slew of crazy kids. Dog lover. Crazy cat lady. Artist. Free spirit. Lover of unusual beauty. Fitness junkie. Collector of boots and fonts. Angsty drama addict and avid wearer of yoga pants. Avery has been a lot of things in her life, a waitress, a receptionist, business owner, personal trainer.
Avery’s favorite books and movies are all character driven. She loves rich, well developed character driven plots. If you can make her laugh and cry it’s a bonus. She wants to rejoice in their triumphs and cry with the characters pain. This is what she writes. She writes the grit, conflict and challenges that couples face that inevitably make them stronger.
Avery is a military wife and a sucker for a good wounded hero story. As a fan of the physically wounded hero/heroine genre, she grew weary with how the marginalized community was displayed in fiction. She set out to write stories where the leading characters were smart, sexy, confident and strong. Avery began writing the type of romance novels she would want to read. Stories about real couples, wounded either physically or emotionally, with an open door into their steamy bedroom. Her goal is to challenge society’s perceived notions of beauty and sexuality.
Beauty comes in many forms.
Avery is an artist by trade, but spends most of her free time reading romances with wounded heroes and heroines and of course, writing.
Avery has no fancy writing credentials. No long list of abbreviated letters that come after her name. She’s just a flawed woman, hacking away at her laptop into the wee hours of the night, writing stories about imperfect people learning to love.